Monday, November 9, 2009

The Least of My Worries....

I would talk about this really FUG, as documented by Facebook pictures anyway, kitchen that I know someone is installing, but I won't...

Because I am too busy getting ready to file a law suit against property owners of my last apartment building, because they won't give me security deposit back. And they simply don't know who they're fucking with.

Because Mr. J has been lending me his legal skills to guide me every step of the way in the process to make this lawsuit successful. He's even offered to call the property owners on my behalf to ruffle some feathers.

Because I have been feeling more and more guilty, since Mr J has been incredibly nice and helpful and, meanwhile, I am still seeing Mr H.

Because Mr H has been nothing but lovely and caring and sweet to me.

Because I am too busy juggling my indecisions and amorous thoughts between these two quality men, unable to cope with the fact that I have to lose one of them in order to keep the other one.

Because on top of it all, I have been attempting to write my master's thesis as it is refusing to write itself right now.

I feel absolutely lost and confused and selfish.
Need I really say more.


P said...

Oh man, sounds like your in a messy place right now, in terms of headspace.

Hope you get it sorted. :)

Penny Lane said...

Do something nice for yourself. Give yourself a treat. When life has me all stressed out to the point that I can't work or write, I take some time to do something just for me. It doesn't solve all my problems or make them all go away, but it does make me smile. And sometimes that helps more than anything.