Thursday, February 28, 2008

Two Nights, Two Men

This weekend I have two dates. With two different guys.

I am still seeing the PDA Guy (that date is on Saturday), it's just that, well, the sparks aren't quite there. Sure, I find him semi-charming, and sweet and insightful and intelligent. So why do I feel the need to look for someone else? Well, despite his predisposition to showing his affection in public places, PDA Guy isn't as much of a romantic as I want him to be. And if the required romance isn't present in these very early stages of dating, who I am to expect that it's gonna pick up from here on? Because, let's face it, it won't.

The new guy, who I met online (it's becoming the same old story, isn't it?) has got it all in the looks department. And I don't want to sound narcissistic, but it's been a while since I've dated a guy whose looks have set my heart aflutter as much as this guy's. Okay, so it is a narcissistic feeling I am harboring- being attracted to someone because of their looks, but hey, I feel like I could afford to indulge myself with a bit of narcissism since I feel like my love life has been far from all that for the longest time.

I want to kiss a dead-sexy guy, is that too much to ask for? Plus, all these guys I'm seeing... I'm not sleeping with any of them. Kissing is as far as I go because I haven't been serious with any of these dudes.

What's the worst that can happen? This guy can turn out to be a chauvinistic asshole and I will never see him again.

I will take my chances.


Anonymous said...

Good for you! You're right about PDA Guy - if he's not romantic now when he's trying to woo you, odds are he's not going to suddenly start further into the relationship.

As for wanting to kiss a dead-sexy guy... I think we've both been lowering our standards a little too much lately. Wanting to date an exceptionally attractive guy is only normal, considering you're a young, smart, attractive girl. Why would you settle for anything less? It doesn't make you superficial, it just makes you happy! ;)

"I don't want to sound narcissistic, but it's been a while since I've dated a guy whose looks have set my heart aflutter as much as this guy's."
That's a very good sign. I believe in trusting your basic animalistic instinct when it comes to men. If his goodnight kiss makes you melt, go for it!!

Scotty said...

Are you on a dating site or something?

I agree, nothing to lose. Heck, at least it gives some good blog material :)

PrincessPolly said...

so no update post? how WAS the weekend, missy???